Welcome to COLLEGE BOUND, the blog of American College Strategies' Kathleen Griffin

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As an independent educational consultant I bring to the table a depth of experience gained from working with thousands of students and their parents from the middle school level all the way through high school.

You’ll now find my YouTube campus tour videos, blog and links to my Facebook page all under one roof at: American College Strategies.

Thanks for visiting. I hope you find my articles and videos informative and helpful in the pursuit of your college aspirations. Please come back often.

~~ Kathleen
Call me. 310 480 1040

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

University of California 2011 Applicant Stats Are In

Now that all you high school seniors have applied to your perfect college, don't sit back and relax.  Do something spectacular this semester.  Consider volunteering in your local community.  Work with Habitat for Humanity and build a home!  Use your spring break to make a difference in your community.

Stats from University of California are just in.   Check this out!!!! But don't get freaked out!!!

142,235 applicants an increase of 6.1 percent over last year.  This is the 7th straight year of increases. All campuses saw record numbers in freshman applications this year. The greatest increases were at San Diego (11.2 percent), Merced (8.9 percent) and Riverside (8.5 percent).  Transfer applications rose 26% since 2009.

Freshman applications from California residents increased by 3.6 percent. "Since we are in a period where the number of projected high school graduates is flat, this increase suggests more students are meeting the university's admissions requirements," UC Director of Admissions Susan Wilbur said.

Nonresident applicants increased 10.7 percent from out-of-state and 22.5 percent from international freshman applicants. On the transfer side, California transfer applications grew by 8.5 percent, while those from out-of-state students rose by 2.2 percent.


UC now enrolls 11,000 more California-resident students than the state provides funding for.
For the second year, campuses will use waitlists.   "Last year, we were able to process our waiting list quickly, and all applicants knew where they stood before the end of May," Wilbur said.


UC recently increased all student fees.

"33 percent of any new fee revenue goes back into financial aid," Wilbur said.

The Blue and Gold Opportunity Program ensures that financially needy California students whose family income is below $80,000 will pay no systemwide fees. In addition, the university will provide grants to cover the recent tuition increase for one year for financially needy California undergraduates with household incomes of less than $120,000.

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