Welcome to COLLEGE BOUND, the blog of American College Strategies' Kathleen Griffin

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Effective March 19th, 2012 this blog has been incorporated into our main website: www.AmericanCollegeStrategies.com



As an independent educational consultant I bring to the table a depth of experience gained from working with thousands of students and their parents from the middle school level all the way through high school.

You’ll now find my YouTube campus tour videos, blog and links to my Facebook page all under one roof at: American College Strategies.

Thanks for visiting. I hope you find my articles and videos informative and helpful in the pursuit of your college aspirations. Please come back often.

~~ Kathleen
Call me. 310 480 1040

Friday, November 18, 2011

Campus Visits - A Tool to Explore Universities

I'm amazed how many seniors I have encountered who are getting ready to fill out a bunch of applications but have never visited college campuses.  It is really important to start your college visits early in your high school career.  Middle schools students should be encouraged to start the tour process as well.  The more campuses you have researched the better handle you'll have on making a good decision about which university to attend. 

Tours are normally conducted by volunteer students.  Sometimes the admission directors will introduce themselves to the visitor group and hold a brief introductory session then hand off to the student tour guides to walk the campus with you.  At some schools the admissions officers may hold a more in-depth session in a lecture hall setting after the tour has ended - they are all slightly different.

Some hints to help you get the most out of your tour experience:

1.  Check online to see when official tours are being given and make an appointment.

2. If visiting multiple schools in one day; don't try to do more than two each day.  Allow extra time, as tours and informational sessions frequently run late.  Plot driving routes and book hotels in advance.

3.  Wear good walking shoes.

4.  The student should register at the admissions office.  Schools do keep track of all contacts with applicants.  In a recent survey, 46% of schools said campus visits have a POSITIVE influence on the admissions office.

5.  For parents: let your student ask questions of the tour guide.

6.  Eat lunch in the school cafeteria.  Do you like the food selection?

7.  Pick up a student newspaper.

8.  Sit in on a class.  This must be arranged in advance through the admissions office.  Sometimes it must be arranged through a department head, but schools really do encourage "student for a day" programs.

9.  If possible, students should arrange to meet an admissions officer.

10.  If you meet an admissions officer, send a thank you note immediately upon returning home.

11. Prior to the visit, make a list of questions you want to find answers to.  Don't ask questions of the admissions officer that you can easily get answers to on the school's website.

12.  If possible, parents and students should try to take different tours of the same school, if 2 separate tours are leaving around the same time.  You'll get two different perspectives which you can talk about later over dinner.

Have fun on the tour, imagine yourself studying there and being a part of that campus. Jot down your thoughts and impressions about each school while everything is fresh in your mind; keep all your notes in one place so you can review them when you are getting ready to make your final "apply list".

Here are some quick links of tour and info pages for various schools.

Emory University, Atlanta,   click here

University of California, UC system click here

University of Michigan, click here

A link to my own campus tour videos,  click here

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Great Online Resource

Everyone should be looking at the website http://www.collegeboard.com/ when they are preparing for college.  Make sure you bookmark this amazingly rich site so you can view it daily.  What I most like about the site is the daily SAT questions.  You can answer the question and find out immediately if you are right or wrong.  Additionally, there is a low price ($69.50) online SAT course. 

Daily SAT practice questions: http://sat.collegeboard.org/practice/sat-practice-questions

A lot of my students are looking for certain majors and are sometimes confused how to quickly find a list of schools that offer their chosen major.  This http://www.collegeboard.com/ site has a great college search section.  It lists the majors most requested by students. 

Remember that the college board site is not just for registering for the SAT.  Click on the upper tabs for comprehensive information on:
  • Advanced Placement tests,  including sample questions. 
  • College Planning
  • College Search
  • Professional Development (for educators)
  • Store - selling publications for students and educators.
  • Under the tab "More" find AP Central,   K-12 Services, Higher Ed, College Guidance and a section En EspaƱol.
Become familiar with all these terms - in the beginning it's like learning a new language, but it will serve you well as you prepare to apply for College or University.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Early Bird Gets the Worm! Start Your Research and Planning in Middle School

It's NEVER TOO EARLY to start the college preparation and search process. I've been working with middle school students and their parents recently. There is a thirst for knowledge out there that is not always being met by middle schools. Middle school parents and students come to my meetings anxious and inquisitive about the college preparation process. Learning about the college search and admission process is like learning a new language. You cannot do it overnight. It takes time for the brain to process all the new terms and acronyms; never mind doing a search for a college that suits you.

Plan early - reduce the stress !

With all the news and reality about more and more students applying to university, and tuition rising at disproportionate rates, anxiety on the parts of students and parents is at an all-time high. Getting an early start alleviates the stress for most families. I know that many middle school students are just stressing about choosing a high school that suits them. But, in reality, that choice could affect their college choices too.

A well thought-out 6 year plan in Middle School will effectively guide you all the way through high school.

It is important for all 7th graders to create a written 6 year academic plan. Understand what universities are looking for and make sure you create an academic plan that exceeds admission guidelines. If you do this, no matter what high school you choose and no matter how much college information you get or do not get in high school; you will be prepared.